Does your wireless network not achieve the contemplated bandwidth and speeds? Is the coverage insufficiently guaranteed? Is the system down regularly? Are the wireless connections not future-proof? Multicap will find the causes and will present the right technical solutions.

Innumerable causes can be the reason for the problems with your wireless network. The solution does not necessarily have to be a complex one. It is, however, crucial to detect the right problems on site through specialised analyses.
Our services as an external and brand-independent troubleshooter is not connected in any way to any previous partnership. You can always call us in no matter what the circumstances including when you are not an existing end user of our services.
As analysts, we will provide a detailed technical report that includes the right solutions.
Performance measurement
A trained and qualified Multicap engineer will perform different throughput measurements on site. These will be coupled with a spectrum analysis and possibly a coverage analysis. We will supply an extensive report that will include our elaborated measurements and heat maps, as well as our advice for the possible optimisation steps that you can take to improve the performance of your wireless network considerably.
We can also go a step further and install an overlay sensor network. This network will measure continuously and will simulate your applications. After a few days, we will obtain from this a full view on how your network behaves during every moment of the day. If changes to the configuration are then performed, we can also determine what will be the real and objective result of this.

Problems with your wireless network?
Multicap will find the cause and will provide the technical solutions.
Contact us now